Comments On This Tattoo Fail
Suicide Silence is tattoo worthy.
"Suicide Silence is tattoo worthy." LOOOLOLOLOLOL
shit I thought it said 'pull the frigger bitch' hahahahahaha
Pull my finger first.
At least it's not too late to add the comma.
Suicide Silence is for faggots.
its lyrics to a song.. a good one at that. just saying
I think everyone would like to after getting something that shit tattooed on you..
Pull the frigger? WTF is a frigger lol
no actually "cockhead" I knew theyre lyrics from the shittest band ever. And im still going to say shit about how bad it is
Dooo eeetttt!!!!
Seconds from the end, whats it gunna be? pull the trigger bitch! amazing tattoo
hes callin himself a bitch for not pullin the trigger.....i think
What is a trigger bitch? Lack of punctuation= FAIL.
i will pull the trigger in your head.Ridiculous!!
his girlfriend should get "suck a big one" on her collar bone.
Good song good band. Half you fucks wouldn't know If nobody said suicide silence If you don't like it go fuck off and Pull the trigger bitch
Suicide Silence is tattoo worthy.