Comments On This Tattoo Fail
No, they don't actually.
It will be Boys because... In jail... Ladies are Boys
anyone notice the lips tattoo on his neck? --- dude thinks he's got game
Dirty Sanchez!
He has a lips tattoo on his cheek too!!!
any surprise this is a mugshot?
wotta pimp
he has a kiss mark on his cheek too
The only Mexican who can't grow a mustache
The ladies loved it so much he was forced to jail.
How would you know, you're always the bitch in prison getting passed aaround like a piece pipe, and with pants like raspberry ripple ice cream
I just...why would...DUMBASS
I wanted a pencil moustache
Just cause he doesn't have a stache doesn't mean you have to lie your way into another fake orgasm!
All ladies love a mustache ride, but one must first have a mustache.
The whole Picture is so bad, it also could be made with photoshop....
Oh sweet Jesus.
Marry ME Daddy.
Time for this dips-hit to grow a mustachio
its funny, cause he probs actually got some before this, but now, he aint getting shit
Ohboy. That looks like a...win? hahaha. :/
This retard should be put to sleep
the guys in jail are gonna get a kik out of reading this while getting a head job from this tool
No, they don't actually.