Comments On This Tattoo Fail
How does this fail? I love Moomins :')
lol, it's writen muumintroll
idiots! That's how you spell it in Finland!
Is it bad that i thought thats totally cute?
they aren't Hiphopapotamus', they're Moonins.
No, it´s not mummitroll (btw mummi is meaning grandma) neither muumintroll in finnish, it´s muumi, and the troll is peikko, so fully it´s muumipeikko.
In finnish mummi means grandma, it is indeed spelled Moomintrolls.
<3 this so much.
Is it normal that when I envelope my finger with my foreskin, then withdraw my finger, the foreskin makes a farting noise?
They're not Hippos they're Moomins, I used to watch it when I was little :)
How does this fail? I love Moomins :')