Comments On This Tattoo Fail
Chance to get shot 60% more in airports
Dude! lookout!...................That caterpillar is gonna crawl right in your belly button......
He's a 3 second man!
Great artwork, but seriously? Why? I know. He has a cop fetish.
hahaha wow. this guy's a fucking genius!
Hey, Doc? I think I have a rash on my stomac-" "OH GOD, HE'S GOT A BOMB! HIT THE DECK!
check out those high-tech nipple detonators!
anyone elce notice the nipple rings?
Airport staff: "Anything to declare sir?" This guy: "yes,....I am a cock"
Digital timers are for pussies.
Him and gun guy should go run around an airport shirtless
Now who's the guy with the bomb strapped to his chest
Chance to get shot 60% more in airports