Comments On This Tattoo Fail
The horns aren't even aligned and there is too much skull on top. Bad art.
Awesome! Finally I get to see a view of a contorted skull with skewed ram horns from above!!!!!!
Yeah yeah you are a badass
Have a lot of experience with elk penises then commenter???
This guy must have a motocycle, a lot of gun and a big mustache, but deep inside he's gay
This is probably the same guy who has the nickelback tattoo
kinda looks like someone glued a couple of elk penises to a skull
Imagine the artist's face when a guy walks up and says, "Yeah, so, uh, I want a half lizard, half human skull... with ram horns."
There seems to be a jawbreaker in the left horn.
The horns aren't even aligned and there is too much skull on top. Bad art.