Comments On This Tattoo Fail
It looked better before. Too much shading on the fresh one.
....i don't understand why no one can tell this is the same tattoo, but one of the pictures is a mirror image of the other? Like it was taken on "photobooth" or something. But hey, I'm on here to get a laugh, and you idiots sure did the trick!
Man boobs fail.
The fail is, it's really a woman
None of you got it. The first pic is a photoshop overlay to show what it should look like.
It looked better before!
It's not a "Before/After"-picture..it's symply a bad copy
It isn't before and after. IDK who the original artist is but the one on the left is by some famous tattoo artist.
he is faceing a different way in each picture you idiots
SAME ! :))
different arms = different guy.
wtf? tattoo "artist"?? i;m feel so bad for that guy!!
The same :)
Centaur cyclops
no moron, those are two different tattoos
Either different guy or different arm cause the head and mouth on the tattoo are facing different directions. Oh and check out that "siiide boob." Family guy rocks!
It looked better before. Too much shading on the fresh one.