Comments On This Tattoo Fail
And the winner in the age 5-7 coloring contest is.........................
Alice in Zombieland?
Is that Dr. Seuss?
colouring is shit, but the actual idea is not too bad.
Considering this tattoo is based off of this picture http://bakanekonei.deviantart.com/art/Campbell-Beyond-Wonderland-90480931 I'd say its a huge fail
smokin hot zombies!!!! ;D id do them...
Alice in acid trip
i cant believe its real, it doesnt look like tattoo ink.........
I actually think this one's badass.
This is what happens when you piss off the tattoo atrist
Yeah that's cool I guess if you're into that kinda stuff...
Malice in Wasteland?
maybe an outline that someone colored in with marker for the pic. tats don't blend color like that...
oh that's really bad LOL
guess whos a necrophiliac
Alice Madness returns?
My 5 year old colors better than that.
the original picture is awesome and I like the whole zombie idea but the art work is terrible. People should stop letting their five year olds draw tattoos for them
I don't know what's more wrong.... this tattoo, or the fact that I actually want the same tattoo on my belly
I'm totally turned on...
it's marker, you can tell. people are making up so many tattoos on here. most of them are fake.
ouch, ouch, OUCH!
I'd fuck them
Someone let their three-year-old go crazy with the markers.
Honestly, I think it looks like the whole thing i just drawn and colored. It doesn't look very tattoo like to me.
Alice in fuckerland?
looks like a texta drawing. *tisk tisk*
oh! there you are SHEHULK!
And the winner in the age 5-7 coloring contest is.........................