Comments On This Tattoo Fail
well no shit sherlock
You're father doesn't happen to be the Monopoly guy does he? MR. PEANUT?
"Born To Die" - yes, please
Monocle win.
I can't decide which is worse... the arm tat or the eyebrows.
O o I _ I
Genepool fail
go ahead. emo bitch.
Yea...sigh....no she's a fail.
plz die!
i'm too distracted by the monocle to even look at the tattoo.
Nightmare Before Christmas goes emo.
you all realize her "monocle" is just a pair of glasses with the left half snapped off? No? Alright then..
what a charming attitude toward life...
wtf is wrong with that bitch
Does Uncle Pennybags know you stole his monocle?
well no shit sherlock