Comments On This Tattoo Fail
pretty sure that zombie is giving that brain head....
At least it's original...
Dude: I want a tattoo that no one else in the world has. Artist: Lay down, I've got a great idea.
tits or gtfo!
I drew the cover to my death metal album... The art is bitchin' and I'm totally getting it tattooed!
Hmm. Creative.
The zombie is getting skullfu*ked by a fish
it not that bad
i actually like this...haha.
what is that red guy deep-throating?
This dudes a serious Stephen King fan I reckon or then he thinks he is being supa-spiritual and deep...oldschool emo
The zombie is blowing the blow fish
what is up thif the ones one the side..
pretty sure that zombie is giving that brain head....