Comments On This Tattoo Fail
"Pap" means "Dad" in a few languages, like Dutch. Leave the kid alone.
The rose appears to be doing a Ta-Dah!
"pap" doesn't means "dad"... is just ¿"pap"?... dad is spanish, french or italian is papá!!
Yes thats true you can say dad in dutch in several names (sorry my english is not perfect) like: Pap (wining kids) Papa (normal kids) Vader (Father) Paps (asking kids) Pappie (for the little childeren) Vaderfiguur (for the emo's and goths)
Who cares what "pap" Means? It's someone this person obviously honored and loved. What does it matter if it's in english,dutch,spanish, or even Na'vi?
'cause without a tattoo you would surely forget.
i hate it when i see guys add that HORRIBLE shading outside of the tat. it does not look good when it is done this poorly....go back to tat school who ever did this.
Can't see a fail there. Not the best of work but still looks good.
"Pap" means "Dad" in a few languages, like Dutch. Leave the kid alone.