Comments On This Tattoo Fail
At least you know how they got the gut...
...Corona is behind the camera.
I'm covering my nipple because I'm really the shy type
The other two need to switch to Bud Light. Nothing sexy about carrying your own keg. Pasty virgin douchebags.
What's on the other side? "GOODYEAR" or "CRAFTSMAN"?
Ok, they wanted to show theirs tattoos, but did they need to do it so gay?
Just drinking Bud or Bud Light is a fail... getting it permanently inked into your skin? now that's something else.
It's the BudLight guy again! :D
That's my kind of man!...not
They must just be really cool
All I see is 3 guys with the word "piss" tattoed on their sides
word! best tats!
The seedy sidebellies of 'Merica.
butt to nut?
At least you know how they got the gut...