Comments On This Tattoo Fail
That's dice? I thought it was the UNICEF guy
Everything is poorly drawn, they even fucked up the dice
lmao "pretty cool" so you're telling me that you would be happy with this permenantly on your body? It's so badly done, the lines are so wonky! hahahahaha!
Forever alone.
I hope you all learned the lesson: never pass out while a 3 year old has access to a tattoo gun...
Direct result of having a bored tattoo artist duct tape you to their chair..
this could be a cool tattoo if it had been done right. This looks like garbage. i hope he didn't pay for this...
Today's number is '7'. Today's word is 'shrooms'.
oooooh those are dice? i thought it was some kind of f****d up peace sign
effect of lsd
7 was my lucky number before i saw this shit
This is what happens when Ed Hardy throws up...
That's dice? I thought it was the UNICEF guy