Comments On This Tattoo Fail
...and that [Medusa] shiat's permanant.
Looks like the guy from MAD magazine.
she looks like pebbles from the flintstones...
yeah i remember my first beer
I....I think those are butterflies coming out of her head....
Poor kid.
The butterflies are electrocuting her- hence the crazy hair.
What me worry?
what me worry?
looks like pebbles was dropped on her head one too many times
what the mother
Pepples Flintstone?
I always wondered what pebbles looked like as a teenager.
Can you say Alreed E. Newman?
In all fairness, she started with a bad photo. The kid could have at least done her hair
So if I click on my comment 100 times, will it move to the top?
Listen Kiddo thats what happen when you take crack for too long
...and that [Medusa] shiat's permanant.