Comments On This Tattoo Fail
They're hot.....the shitty tattoo is NOT
this is a fail because the lady on the right ISN'T SUPPOSED TO BE ASIAN
This t.A.T.u. didn't turn out well...
would be an awesome concept and beautiful tattoo if it was done well. :(
Horrible work quality!!! I would be ashamed! People shouldn't attempt portrait tattoos with this little artistic talent! FAIL!!!
all is possible in tattoos: so two hot girls can turn into disturbing siamese twins.
That's TATU not Tattoo..
Ow, looks like somebody hit the little one in the face with a shovel. Or perhaps she's wrestling to pinch off one thorny turd. You should sue whoever inked you. Or suck it up because you're a horny retard. I don't even have a dick and this piss-poor rendition made me limp.
cool tattoo for a dead and burned body
A tattoo of Tatu. :\ But that's just scary...
they were more appealing before i found out they're not really lesbians : (