Comments On This Tattoo Fail
Well that settles it. This tattoo proves she's not the mother,
It seems like the artist knew how to draw A baby not THE baby
did she died ... I'm guessing you're the genius who tattooed all the grammatically incorrect tattoos ?
Its looks like a cartoon.
Well it be better if the tatto artist KNEW HOW TO DRAW
i would sue the person who did this crapy art work.
Anne Frank?
You fail, its not even done, they still ahve to shade it!
that's not even close
Sorry...We are all out of blonde ink
Is that even the same kid?
did she died?
Meh, close enough!
looks like the female FUUUU face
i can't decided which picture to 'fail'
was it the tattoo itself a fail, or was it the word tatto a fail?
i seriously hope you didn't pay full price for a tattoo of a kid that's not yours...
Well that settles it. This tattoo proves she's not the mother,