Comments On This Tattoo Fail
-"how much for the tattoo?" -"$15" -"hmm :( i have $10" -"k, we can figure something out..."
that's 1 evil looking tape worm
the head is the only good thing about it
You know, Vegeta or Goku would have been much cooler. Or even King Kai for goodness sake.
this is a beautiful tat
They probably stopped halfway because it hurt, they will do the other half later
it's not a fail because it's unfinished, it's a fail because it's fucking hideous
why does pewter bullshit always have to have crystal balls involved?
i know the real problem THE DRAGON HAS ONLY ONE ARM!!!!
Its not a fail. Sometimes the tattoo artist will tell the person to come back another time so he can finish either because its closing time or the person is swelling.
that is ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE!!! Did a toddler tattoo this? whoever did this "work" should seriously consider getting a few years of art classes, heavy practice and get an apprenticeship before screwing up someone's skin like this!!! What a mess!
I can't wait to see the 6 other balls on the finished product.
How Bout If I Give You $10.25 ...Mhmmmm Then I'll Throw In The Head .... And a Quarter Of Somee Scales ....
this is what happens when a tattoo artist either gets bored or just decides to take the piss
I love how the tail is near his butt. Made me think it's the Magic Intestinal Dragon.
Damn mother in law and her "the little tatooist box" of hers
You get what you pay for.
this only cost me a pack of cigarettes...in prison.
Believe it or not, it started as a tramp stamp.
Dragonball Z Rules!!!
Hey son.... Can you finish my tattoo for me, but dad I'm only 3yrs old, It's ok son I have faith in you!!!! Lmaooo
I would kill the bastard who did this!
I would kill the bastard who did this!
line fail, n he pussied out
-"how much for the tattoo?" -"$15" -"hmm :( i have $10" -"k, we can figure something out..."