Comments On This Tattoo Fail
Where Narwhals come from?
Thats the greatest thing I've ever seen. EVER.
I see this image and somehow are unable to get the song Always by Erasure outta my head o.
What? No this is AWESOME!!!!!! Fuck yeah!
Is that even human?!
And beneath the Dolphin, Demi Moore.
I can't actually think of a way this could be more gay o.O That's impressive in itself.
Suprise butt sex.
Press Z to make your wishes come true!
where is its rite hoof becuse thats its dick
"...and kids, thats how i met your mother"
Can't find the BLOW hole
That dolphin is pretty screwed
fapfapfapfap fap fap get ready for some unicorn mayo
Baby beluuugaaaa....
Ah Shit Charly! I cant breath!
wate, why the rainbow does not have all the colors it should ?
So THIIIIS is how narwhals are born....
The rainbow is so pretty!
Fail, because the dolphin's privates are on the other side. :P
... and being around dolphins is supposed to generate feelings of compassion and healing. well, that just all went out the window! my eyes, they burn!!!
fuckin queer
Charlie's getting busy!!! Sea creatures really DO love him!!!
Where Narwhals come from?