Comments On This Tattoo Fail
black people name their babies weird
Fresh Trince
what in ghetto fuck is that poor baby's name? Does it read Trinceton? ay.
Why so serious Trince?
I wants my keed snugglin up wit my peen!s on my arm, y'know what I'm Sayin?
You are so fucking racist!! =o
Baby is not impressed.
Racist poster is racist.
Niggers Suck
Ntupid Siggers.
I'm at tattoo artist and looking at the size of the pores the tattoo was just finished. So all the harshness will mellow during the healing so it will be a fat better likeness when all is finished healing. I also notice that the way the angle is photographed it makes the tattoo look shortened so it will most likely be a good tattoo. I always have to warn clients that tattoos of faces will appear harsh when just finished
it would hav been funnier if the tattoo was on a white person...OH RACIST!
I agree, not a bad looking baby or tat, just a stupid ghetto name. "Son, your gran-daddy almost got into Trinceton, that would have be good, but instead he want to Polumbia, like your sister."
what r u talkin about wilis?
Young Emanuel Lewis tatoo ftw!
how is babby formed?
this is actually the third most common black baby name, next to "hennessy" and "lincoln navigator"
Why so serious?! Tattooist did a good job. Not his fault the kids ugly.
How did the artist get Morgan Freeman from the photograph??
Cute baby :)
tat looks like ET
That's the "Evil Eye" Kid!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBSYD0dQCAw
Ugly tat, ugly baby, ugly name, ugly race of people.
looks like George foreman's afterbirth
Its all in good fun ... no one is a racist geez!! And being a tattoo artist myself that tattoo is terrible!!!
wow I'm used to seeing racist comments but not a racist webmaster... was enjoying the site until now...
black people name their babies weird