Comments On This Tattoo Fail
iPhone sucks, but so do you.
so does that tat
hahaha this is gonna suck 20 years from now when the storm is a peice of crap. oh wait.
This would only pwn the iPhone if it were a Droid.
Boy, he's going to look like a real idiot when we all have hologram phones in the future
actually not a fail, "CB" is the logo for CrackBerry Dot Com, hosers...
he probably spent more on the tattoo than the blackberry actually costed. what a dumb s h i t
CB? Breaker one nine anybody got their ears on?
By Nokia
did he make a Blackberry? Thats it?
It's a fail only because he dosen't have any bars.
Hey, look..A smart phone on a dumb ass.
you wonder if aliens actually look to earth for signs of intelligent life, or have they already given up?
That's a blackberry storm. Cool story bro
ahahahahaha this is gonna suck 20 years from now when the storm's a peice of shit. Oh wait.
This person might mean tht the iphone sucks and the blackberry is better... which simply isn't true and yeah the CB is the CrackBerry logo
iPhone sucks, but so do you.