Comments On This Tattoo Fail
okay good they blacked out my eyes. That way when i am seen out in public they wont know it was me!
Who the f*c% drew on the cadaver?
it looks like he has been licking too much asshole
yeah, don't wanna be identified, hence the black bar. ...facepalm.jpeg
So... Has anyone else noticed the dolls in his manly braids? This guy is totally hardcore...
this actually looks like a corpse
The black line wont prevent people from recognizing the goth with Hello Kitty on his head.
Who ever said this guy is from Finland....FUCK OFF. Im from Finland. FUCKER
Like covering the Eyes will hide his Identity lol
3.14здец ебанько %)
Kinda looks like Dave from I.T but I'm not quite sure.
his eyes are already blacked out
Fuckin' Jason Vorhees!!!
Hello Kitty? Scary fucking shit!
hello retard!
Be ok when your eyebrows grow back dude...
"Vitamin D whats that"
When did The Undertaker go fag?
poor guy
Without the black bar, no one will be able to identify him! Yea right dude...
Look at this fucking dick bird!
Lead singer of the prodigy got new tatt!?!
Oh god. Kiddie stuff. Dolls? Hello Kitty? Pacman? This guy's a sick bastard.
I also love the Pac-Man encircling his neck :)
theres this guy you should meet- he has tats of your forehead on his ass
you 're ugly as fuckk , just like your tattoo .
WTF! Why black out the eyes??? It's not like that is going to hide his identity, he has Hello Kitty tattoo'd on his head for fucks sake!!!!!
This guy is on Facebook... Herman von Pudding. He has this tattoo from all different angles, plus a slew of others...
I never realized Hello Kitty had such a ugly vagina...
Little plastic baby hands tied in blue braids, check. Pointless black like tattooed down face ,check. Hello kitty tattoo on forehead check, looking like a dead guy , check. Okay that's the look I was going for! Now to black bar my eyes so no one will know it's me
...generally, when the tattooist draws a line to be sure he centers the tattoo, he doesn't tattoo the line.
I actually know him IRL. ... .. Just sayin'.
hello shitty
actually this guy is a pro wrestler whom I know. For having a hello kitty tattoo on his forehead he gets some of the hottest fucking chicks.
This is what happens when you smoke to much meth in Cincinnati... yes... he's from Cincinnati...
And then there's the cons of drug taking!!
And that's how John learned to never get a tattoo after taking LSD.
Daddy didn't hug me.
Frankenstein return to cementery
Why do i think this guy is from Finland...Im getting a feeling he is from Finland.
This guy is on Facebook... Herman von Pudding. He has this tattoo from all different angles, plus a slew of others...
holy shit, something for his boyfriend to aim for i guess...
at least it wont live long...
Bad tats and facial herpes.
...the fuck.
okay good they blacked out my eyes. That way when i am seen out in public they wont know it was me!