Comments On This Tattoo Fail
Yeah, sometimes I let my 6 year old draw shit on me. She's learning about the Pilgrims and Pocahontas right now.
Your Mom.
look at the forehead on that one
that looks like Michael Jackson as an injun
Jim Morrison?
comments???? looks like a crack whore!!!!!!!!!!!!
Forehead is really a sixhead, she has a mustache, she has poop on her face, and one eye is bigger than the other.
i can see why he has this ugly ass tat the whole family is fucked up learn how to spell KNUCKLE you fucking idiot
i'll ask again... has anyone ever seen that Cher movie called "Mask"?
white people...
i said i wanted a tattoo, not a shit-too...
Jamie Lee Curtis?!
pocahonyas on heroin!!
her five-head is malformed
an indian chick with a mustache and cuts on her face.... seriously what made you pay this "artist" for that?
Nice mole you got there. Goes great with your tattoo
im pretty sure this is a tattoo of sigourney weaver...
alien or indian?
Yeah, sometimes I let my 6 year old draw shit on me. She's learning about the Pilgrims and Pocahontas right now.