Comments On This Tattoo Fail
well, at least he comes with instructions...
this must have been a dare...
I highly doubt covering his eyes is really going to be much help concealing his identity.
So that's the sex offender on your street...
legend!! lol captcha: he fails
anyone else disturbed by the cobwebs?
Aaaaanndddd CUT
...What good does the black censor bar on his eyes do? He's pretty damn easy to point out it seems.
This is difficult to masturbate to.
Captcha: Egresses used!!!!
hey guys come on if it weren't for barock obamma we wouldnt have the liberal choices to do what we want with our bodies this is a win for the best president to ever live. mr. barak huesane obama. we love you and support you and liberal america
It says U R I N A L around his neck...
Sooooooo.....no one is going to comment on the fact that it says I SWALLOW above COCK SUCKER?
I'd tap that!
bad ass old man
Cock Sucker!
HELLO? has it occured to anyone that the guy in the background is learnign the instructions with his lollipop!
None of you will ever believe me, but I met this guy. He was wearing a pink fairy godmother outfit and was about to enter a supermarket to go grocery shopping. He's pretty nice for a guy that has SLAVE written on his hand.
LMFAO @ captcha: "hind ripping"!!
I would've given a thumbs up to one of the comments but it already had 69 thumbs up.
WTF penis ruler on his arm?
So...he's gay, right ?
Nice tummy can I rub it
That right there is A WASTE OF OXYGEN.Make good target at the shooting range
So he sticks his whole fist up men's asses? Oh that's a real riot.
So, his gut is the cocksucker, yet his chest is the urinal... all he's missing is "Grimy Public Toilet"
I bet his mom's so proud. :'(
what a fucking fag! this is sick and therefore deviant! We do not want this!
it says faggot below the ruler lol
Lol look in the background theres a suicide king :P
wait... wtf?
this guy is gonna have a tough time picking up chicks now!
Gays gone wild!
...that fucked up my sleep
Gonna call the obvious: PEDO-BEAR, IN THE FLESH!!!
He slipped on pee-pee in a Costco bathroom and is living on the settlement money. Gotta be, cuz i can't imagine who'd employ a fat bald fag with URINAL emblazoned on his neck. Hahaha, I love this guy. I want big old balls like his. Damn.
The Secret Life of Dr. Phil...
5th commenter, learn how to spell our Presidents name....kthx
this man scares me
Bet his parents are real proud
His self esteem must be high....
Too bad he'll never, ever be able to put the ruler to use any time soon...
well, at least he comes with instructions...