Comments On This Tattoo Fail
what about my alive?
and i shit just to know i'm not constipated
Improper use of 'your' it should be you're
who said papa roach? LMFAO
but how will you know if you're really bleeding or its your terrible tattoo?!
is that ketchup?
MY alive?
It's not HIM, it's not Papa Roach, it's The Goo Goo Dolls, it's a lyric from their song "Iris" that came on in 1998 on the CD "Dizzy Up The Girl". And yes, it is grammar fail, it's "you're" not "your"... kids these days... *sigh*
Proud to be EMO!
By the looks of the fat around the waist, this person obviously "eats to know 'there' still alive" Misspelling on their/there was intentional.- If your misspelling was intentional shouldn't you have said "there/they're"
why does everyone mispell "you're" when getting a tattoo?
Epic fail because it's a Goo Goo Dolls lyric tatt, even if it came out perfect.
i don't know what's worse, me knowing that that's a goo goo dolls song, or him having it tattooed
Grammar Fail!!!
the swirl before the A looks like an E
no actually its right, if you look above the r you can kinda see an apostrophe, and the start olf the a kinda looks like an e
Goo Goo Dolls? FAIL
the world sees you but you're right, we don't understand...
maybe you EAT just to know [you're] alive?
um... dude. Me Thinks you mean "it's you are AS in You're" not "is" in..... GRAMMER FAIL ON YOU <
Since when does someone do a tattoo with lyrics from a bad 80's song.
it looks like they tried to fix it... the beginning of the A almost looks like an E. Still missing an apostrophe, though.
You're going to bleed to know my alive?
Luv that song!Iris by goo goo dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he gained 40 pounds so the whole thing would fit.
Oh dear...
you know you're fat when it takes 3 photos to get a picture of one tattoo
dumb shit although it is a good song
Cool story bro!!!
You can still bleed when 'your' dead.
what about my alive?