Comments On This Tattoo Fail
Victorias Oldest Secret...
you should've seen this tattoo 30 years ago. the girl was a babe lol
Some people choose to express their love for Mom by having her name tattooed on them, I chose to have the image of her disrobed.
this is the best Mom dedicated tattoo I've seen !
When hell is full the dead will walk the earth....all over his arm!!!
It's Tina Yothers!
That's F*ckin' sexy
it took me like 3 hours to do the shading on your upper lip
Angela Merkel
Those boobs DO sag...
What the fuck is up with her two belly buttons?
I've always had a thing aout Zombie women in bikinis too!
Lovely expression. She looks like she just realized she'll be wrestling in congealed menstrual blood instead of Jello tonight. Go, Bunny, go!
guys this was prolly done in the 80s when they didn't have the advanced technoligy to do really detailed tatoos i would i my friend is a tatoo artist
someone loves his english teacher
That is Angela Merkel!
saggy tits?
OMG!!!! Words can not describe my irretation towards this tattoo!!!
She ate Oreos??? :/
at least they were able to sew her hand back on.
Angelina Jolie in 20 years....
She's HOT!
It's Tina Yothers!
It looks like her vag is crooked.
I like the saggies!
Ohhh he tattooed a photoshop fail.
What is that? A stab wound on her belly?
It's my grandma at happy hour!
I love her saggies!
LOL no teeeth???
Well hello there, Ms. Saggybewbs.
the fun part is that his body hair makes it look like the girl is very, VERY hairy.
Does this remind anyone else of the ERMAHGERD girl?!
Where in the world are her teeth?
I'd fap for that
That is Angela Merkel!!!!
Is that a c-section scar?
That is Angela Merkel!!
If I was going to get a picture of my grandmother tattooed on me I'd at least pick one where she was fully dressed.
She's so NASCAR.
good sweet merciful jesus why???
Lovely expression. She looks like someone just dropped the news on her that tonight she'll be wrestling in congealed menstrual blood instead of Cherry Jello. But she's gonna go ahead with the match because she needs the winnings to pay her bar tab at O'Toole's. What a trooper.
You are allowed some artistic license in the TATOO WORLD to improve on the image of the original...makes you wonder...
"i spent about two hours working on her upper lip..."
Victorias Oldest Secret...