Comments On This Tattoo Fail
Maybe there's nothing WRONG with it - that tattoo just looks fucked up!
I got the niggerdick blues
It's spelled right guys. Us Americans are just weird and spell it favorite. Everywhere else it's favourite. So just tame your tits.
This person is obviously from somewhere where they know how to fucking spell. (i.e.-NOT an American.) It's 'My Favourite Cage'.
One of the comments making fun of Americans contains "spelt."
Americans fail
You are WRONG , not the tat!
Was originally spelled favourite till the yanks got their hands on the english language
clearly it is,., n her language u douche lol
americans fail so hard.
The problem is it's written in English, which immediately means all American's think it's spelt wrong.
That is the English way of spelling the word "favorite". Both are correct.
I think it's more the phrase than the spelling that makes this tattoo a fail, at least in my book.
It's the same in Canada, it's "favourite" here too. It doesn't look like anything is wrong. Learn some cursive and you'd figure out that the "w" wouldn't connect to an "i" like that, it would connect directly and not downwards.
I am an American and I spell it "favourite". I actually had an English teacher tell me it was spelled wrong. It is actually in Webster's Dictionary both ways. Spell check even says it's wrong here. Sorry to whomever posted this, but you're a dumbass.
ther is no u in favorite
It's spelt right and it is the title of a Joe Henry song..maybe she likes the lyrics.
...are those bars behind her?
NIcolas Cage maybe?.
no fail! it's favourite. americans need to learn to spell!
Maybe there's nothing WRONG with it - that tattoo just looks fucked up!