Comments On This Tattoo Fail
I found the fale: Bar code tag still on the jeens.
Pull my finger...with your butt!
This tatoo is even worse than the top comment (and the fact that hundreds of people voted for it).
found the fail before looking at the picture... learn to spell before you bash other peoples failures...
The true origin of belly button lint
he couldnt spell FAIL eaither dumbass
One in the ink, one in the stink!
its a sailor jerry thing you posers
...and it is functional.
haha yea Fail: Jeens LOL
"This tatoo is how I pick up all my women."
the monkeys saying insert fail here
Attack of the lizard monkeys...
that is awesome, like the arsehole cat!
I almost want to say this is creative...
What an arse.
Why the fuck do people love having ass holes in tattoos? It's like they've given up on everything good.
That is fuckin funny as hell.
The bar code is use in prisons lol
"I found the fale: Bar code tag still on the jeens." lol i found the FAIL and that FAIL is that you cant spell jeans" Yo, I heard you like to fail, so I found a flaw in your flaw so you can fail while you fail.
lol barcode pants
Tattoo artists should be licensed - so their license can be revoked for being willing to do crap like this.
Ok, I'll get the damned gerbil
Bing bang spadoodle doodle
you spelt fail wrong you ouche bag
Ohh, this is Darwin's Evolution Theory!!!
i found the fail your bad grammar
Creative but stupid.
You can put your weed in there lol
noo fails just me and my bro wen we where kids lol
I found the fale: Bar code tag still on the jeens.