Comments On This Tattoo Fail
That would be a tat fail even if it was spelled right
Is that bacon on the heart?
Hey Fuck you, this is how I wanted it spelling
Damn those Silent "D'S"
But it's ironic, that's why it's awesome
That is a "tradgedy"!!
Is that a crosshair where we have to aim?
can you please zoom out just a lil??
that chest would look alot better with a nice, steamy dump on it
I'd still hit it
So you can get the "eau" in the right order in "beautiful" but you can't spell tragedy?
Its a song title...and thats how "BROKEN WINGS" (the band) spelled it...
Why Yes, Yes She is...
Sure is.......
someone didn't pass 3rd grade
it's spelt not spelled.
I was more concerned about what was up with her lip, but....
Hideously tragic...
Fuckin stupid emos never learn do they?
It looks shiny, paint(?)
It's beautiful how tragic this tattoo is.....
lets see that in 60 years lol
she's gonna be bummed when this pic hits her myspace and her emo friends call her out.
Ironic? No.. just tradgic
no amount of antacid will cure that 'heartbone'
Whoever said "it's spelt not spelled": Open up a dictionary, you dumb dick eater. You and this dumb whore in the picture would get along great, apparently.
Oh, this silly angsty hooker is definitely a Fuck & Run. That's not a tattoo, it's a warning label, might as well say 'I cry after sex'. Maybe she can scrape it off with one of Daddy's razors.
not so beautiful tattoo
That would be a tat fail even if it was spelled right