Comments On This Tattoo Fail
Nice titties, lord.
Ellen Degeneres tattoo? FAIL
the lord moved in mysterious ways
Jesus was getting fat lol. he's got man boobs
My Jesus is more huggable than your Jesus
Titty Jesus
I'm sure that's NOT what the bible says
Is this the secret behind the DaVinci Code? No wonder the Catholic Church is scared to have it out in the open.
Maybe he just likes the bearded lady from the circus.
Fap art for the lonely nights when you're sitting in your hotel room all alone!
I was not under the impression Jesus was a transy.....
yeah, maybe if take the hair out, Jesus may be sexy! WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW?
That'll get you a ticket to Hell
lol this is bad
I'm just not sure the oval helps.
moobs, even jesus has them.
I think it's the austrian Singer/Artist "Conchita Wurst" ;-)))))
Senpai, do you love me?
Jesus titty-fucking Christ!
mmmm.. Sacrelicious...
Nice titties, lord.