Comments On This Tattoo Fail
The best part of this is the look of concern from the guy on the right getting ink... think he's having second thoughts?
You know the funniest thing about this tattoo is that he's the only one who calls himself 'Mr cool ice'
ice ice babee
lol at Mr. Cockeyes in the corner
This guy clearly has some serious personality issues o_O
The guy on the right is afraid what HE's gonna look like, when he is ready
if was REALLY cool, he wouldn't need a tattoo stating it!
"In jail is getting something like this or being raped... In my case were both and I loved it"
Hey this is Mr. Cool ICE.. what is wrong with being super bad ass
Maybe he wrote his name all over his body so he wouldn't forget...
its obviously sharpie...
Mr. Coo LICE
hey look! he got sunglasses tatooed on the back of his head! now he can look like a douche forever! thats thinking ahead...
excuse me, are you Mr. Cool ICE?
That guy on the right wishes he were as cool as Mr. Cool Ice.
he is def. going to hate life when hes older
What's with the bow tie on the back of Mr Cool Ice's head?
ice ice baby
He means the German ICE "Inter City Express" so, i think he love this train!!
U gay, bro.
those shades look like a bra
Nothing "I'm cool" like sunglasses tattooed on the back of your head. This guy looked bad from the front in the earlier picture, I didn't think it could get worse...
Subzero in disguise?
douchebag alert....
someone called him that shit one time and he ran with it.
I think the guy getting tattooed is having second thoughts about his particular choice of venue after looking at Mr. ICE
"Hey fellow douche bags, wanna see my new tattoo? It's totally douche bag worthy enough to be in your club right?"
I especially like the bowtie on the back of his head.
Guy in corner: Oh dear GOD please don't make me look like that guy!
Sharpie WIN!!!
The best part of this is the look of concern from the guy on the right getting ink... think he's having second thoughts?