Comments On This Tattoo Fail
I found it: The pink one doesn't have wings. That is why this tattoo is bad. The pink one can't fly, but somehow it is.
Makin purple!!! *FG quote*
thats the definition of fucked up
the pink one is a unicorn, the blue one is a Pegasus.
I will never look at Charlie the Unicorn the same way again
Imagine you wake up, realize you got this on your back and don't remember a shit =]
I fucked a unicorn and all I got was this stupid tattoo, :/
Charly's finally fucking his gay friends
The pink one smokes (most likely pot, and gets high). there is no failure i'd say.
afternoon delight.
I lol'd
I fucked a unicorn, and the unicorn won.
Elementary, My dear Watson (1) They both have horns, Hence I deduce they are both HORNY! (2) There is some strong weed here, Pink unicorn is wingless, but clearly he is HIGH, (Rickdees, biatch!!)
if you notice, the pink one is high as a kite (or a unicorn) with the spliff
The tattoo is actually pretty good... o;
are these charlies friends?
so he doesn't have to explain to his kids about where pegicorns come from.
the pink one doesn't know is over.........
i have an opinion about this tatoo that is rather humorous
I will fuck you til you quit smoking u dumbass
Charlie sprouted wings and now getting his revenge for the candy mountain incident! "AAyyee take this you stupid unicorn now let me see if I can find YOUR kidney!"
Maybe.. Just maybe... The pink one is flying because it's smoking a joint.. not a cigarette???? Just Sayin..........
the pink one is on DRUGS bad hor---- OMG THEY ARE SHAGGING
Pegasus fucks a smoking unicorn
The pink one has no wings and there on the clouds. What's going to happen when the blue one pulls out?
no one else notice the cigarette?
Fluffle puff reference
This is the most majestic thing I have ever seen.
I don't care if it's smoking a cigarette a grown man should never have a pink unicorn tattooed to his body..
haha that looks lik charlie the unicorn!! =)
the blue has wings but how is the pink one flying you ask?....... look at the stoggie in its mouth it just thinks it can fly! hahaha
I found it: The pink one doesn't have wings. That is why this tattoo is bad. The pink one can't fly, but somehow it is.