Comments On This Tattoo Fail
"I can't draw feet, so do you care if she's standing in water?"
imaginary umbrella is the best thing in this fail tattoo
Karen, What The F*** Happened to your face?
What Feet?
i think he's going to get a guy standing next to her naked as the addition to the tattoo
I found the fail: There is no umbrella.
why are her breasts down by her navel?
fucking great tattoo, you philistines !!!
You're going to die up there
it was drawn by a retarded kid!
Hey look the girl from The Ring is back!
So much fail... Can't even think something worth comment
i think its the girl from the ring minutes before she died.....shes even creepier alive...
Looks like her hand is stuck on hand job mode!
You're gonna die up there
It's missing a finger.
Abstract...i do hope so
.. and this is what my 5 year old drew on me ..
She's up the creek without a paddle,
Check it: I just got this tattoo of your mom. What d'ya think?
a true masterpiece
...and he died up there!
You assholes! this is a picture of my wife drawn by my 8 year old son before she died of Canser.
Lizzy Borden gives a handjob to the Invisible Man. Judging by the rising water, The Creature from the Black Lagoon is standing by for his turn. Hmm, Lizzie, you handy harlot.
"That's far too vulgar a display of scratching, Karris!!"
thats an uglyass fucking tatoo! hahaha
:/ I know a guy who has something similar. Except it's a super fail 'neko' girl.
Dear God. Ô_Ô
Heads will roll for that...
In loving memory of my mom i left in the flood...
just.... wow.
it's Cosette from Les Miserables
this is just . . . -sigh- I'm lost for words
LOL It has to be a joke.
i think its kind of cute xD
She's got one really long arm.
"I can't draw feet, so do you care if she's standing in water?"