Comments On This Tattoo Fail
mexicans suck at english
God give me the strenght to accept the things he cannot change...
nice place in the background
Breda is German? OMG! This insult commonly made by Americans is worse than the poor English of this tattoo. Please, everybody outside The Netherlands: We are sick of it to be mistaken for Germans! especially after WW2.
"Dubble fail!!" Tripple fail :)
nisdom = negro wisdom
God grant me the serenity to accept this horrible fail on my back!
BREDA!!! Is german!! XD
Serenity Prayer. Doh. Sober Mexican I guess.
Cant DJ, cant spell, Eric Morillo, what a twat!
I think he's Dutch, saying BREDA at the bottom, being a town in the Netherlands.
Mexicans suck at english? Well pardon me, but most of these tattos were probably done by some stupid as white person, so i believe the right connotation would be, white people still suck at english.
Breda!! Babant de gekste and @comment 'BREDA!!! Is german!! XD" Go fuck yourself ;) Breda is Dutch
""Dubble fail!!" Tripple fail :)" Quadrupal faIl :P
mexicans suck at english