Comments On This Tattoo Fail
he's german so it's ok
someone posted this vid here - it's in german and I'm german so let me translate one line for you: he thought "Mr Cool" sounded cool and he added "ICE" because he likes Vanilla Ice (that "rapper" from the 90s) HOW LAME CAN YOU BE!?
I wanna see Mr. Cool Ice when he's 80
It's written with a capital 'L'...Mr. Coo LICE wtf?
it says baby on his dickie, right?
he needs 3 arms - ICE ICE BABY!
I wonder what he wants to be called....
I can guarantee he will hate all of these tatoos in the future, if not already
Talk about ice head.... jesus
so i wanna know why that skeleton is puttin his arms on his face like that? isnt that a pretty girlie way to pose........
damn. he is just to cool.
That skeleton is gay. Right?
Mr. Kool Aid would have been way better.
Why did they black out his face? How many guys do you know with Mr. Cool Ice tattooed all over their body?
apparently someone is " MR. cool ice" ?
mr. cool ice? why not mr. warm ice?
does he have ANY bodypart that doesn't read "Mr. Cool ICE" 20 times in big fat black letters? damn, what a ridiculous jerk!
hopefully this guy is dead by now...he's a retard
not so cool now
The art is good, but the concept sucks
Excuse me... are you mr cool ice? I'm almost wont recognize you with the black mark in your eyes...
Mr. UN-cool ice.
okay , we get the point !
He got "BABY" tatooed onto his dick
He's what's your AIM name?
because being just a douche wasn't enough.
His baby is missing.
his first name is "not so"
Ice, Ice, baby. ;)
I think the skulls need eye bars too.
Mr. Ice is melting! Jeans don't fit anymore. Curse you global warming!
Man, he better have ice or that would be a silly tattoo
oh shit... i forgot his name... oh yeah-todd... or joe... no, it's defiantely mr. coolbox... i mean ice.
he's german so it's ok