Comments On This Tattoo Fail
i found the fail: some of the letters are backwards when they shouldn't be
so McDonald's and turn into a
i think this guy passed out and the artist was drunk... those two just dont mix
its like someone with dyslexia did this
This tattoo is cleverly disguised as a fail, when, actually, it's a total WIN!! :D
isn't that the "eat quiznos subs mice?"
I know the answer to that vile beast's question! it's 42, of course!
this tattoo is like stuff I draw. It is supposed to look like this. Poster of this picture: FAIL. Tattoo: WIN.
The tattoo is a fail mate stuff that .... he's life's a fail.
And that's exactly why i don't eat at McDonald's!
Oh look, a rat-moose!
WIN! this should be in "passed out pics"
This is the best one I've seen yet.
Drunk mouse-o-lope?
i think it says You ate mcdonaldz and a weird Raindear / mouse thing?
you ate mcdonalds 2? its a question to the weird mice thingy
so you seriously think the fail is the backwards letters? omg, noone does letters backwards by accident, above the questionmark... the 2 is also supposed to be a question mark. its not easily spotted as the top part of the 2 is right, eccept its meant to be a question mark.
That's my friend Dean. He's a nice guy. Here's a picture of his latest tattoo:
This has got to be the biggest inside joke ever....I hope.
I think it's because only people without a job work in mcdonalds... so there dumb... so that's why it's like that ...
What do you mean, you found THE fail?
here are some fail tattoos
lab rats! Both of them...
That whole tattoo is a fail!
see kids, keep eating this crap and this is what it does to you
I think everyone has missed the point of this... I thin it's clever
i guess the artist was more drunk then you thought.......
what the fuck
That is a WIN! It's too funny. If you don't get it I'm sorry.
I'd be proud to have such a retarded tattoo
i found the fail: some of the letters are backwards when they shouldn't be