Comments On This Tattoo Fail
i found the fail: some of the letters are backwards when they shouldn't be
so true...eat McDonald's and turn into a retard....lol
i think this guy passed out and the artist was drunk... those two just dont mix
its like someone with dyslexia did this
And that's exactly why i don't eat at McDonald's!
This tattoo is cleverly disguised as a fail, when, actually, it's a total WIN!! :D
isn't that the "eat quiznos subs mice?"
The tattoo is a fail mate stuff that .... he's life's a fail.
Oh look, a rat-moose!
Drunk mouse-o-lope?
this tattoo is like stuff I draw. It is supposed to look like this. Poster of this picture: FAIL. Tattoo: WIN.
I know the answer to that vile beast's question! it's 42, of course!
WIN! this should be in "passed out pics"
This is the best one I've seen yet.
I think it's because only people without a job work in mcdonalds... so there dumb... so that's why it's like that ...
here are some fail tattoos https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1425637117664125.1073741828.1425633577664479&type=1
so you seriously think the fail is the backwards letters? omg, noone does letters backwards by accident, above the questionmark... the 2 is also supposed to be a question mark. its not easily spotted as the top part of the 2 is right, eccept its meant to be a question mark.
i think it says You ate mcdonaldz and a weird Raindear / mouse thing?
you ate mcdonalds 2? its a question to the weird mice thingy
That whole tattoo is a fail!
What do you mean, you found THE fail?
This has got to be the biggest inside joke ever....I hope.
That's my friend Dean. He's a nice guy. Here's a picture of his latest tattoo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/corvussolus/4077312850/
lab rats! Both of them...
That is a WIN! It's too funny. If you don't get it I'm sorry.
see kids, keep eating this crap and this is what it does to you
what the fuck
I think everyone has missed the point of this... I thin it's clever
i guess the artist was more drunk then you thought.......
I'd be proud to have such a retarded tattoo
i found the fail: some of the letters are backwards when they shouldn't be