Comments On This Tattoo Fail
I recognise the acter. This tatoo is actually a WIN!
Go FUCK yourself San Diego
I love Scotchhhh
Ron Burgundy here, with a bad case of the chicken pox.
You are a filthy pirate hooker. I am going to punch you in the ovaries.
Raul Taibo.
You pooped in the refrigerator?!
It kinda looks like a young Will Ferrell. Yeah, we'll just go with that.....
dammit! who typed a question on the teleprompter?!?
Keep it classy, San Diego. Hmmmmmm.
you mean tattoo...
Sky rockets inflight, Afternoon delight !!!
The tattooed man has chicken pox, step away!
I'm Ron Burgandy?
Stay classy
i believe it is a very, very old wooden ship
SAN-DIEGO Which literally translates to "A Whales Vagina"..LOL
Humanity is overrated
Nice Edgar Allan Poe Tattoo... HAHA FAIL!!!
milk was a badddd choice
I recognise the actEr. fail description of fail.
I don't know what's more sad the fact that someone got this tattoo or the fact that some genius on here spelled actor as "acter"!
did you know that san diego means a whale's vagina?
I am Ron Burgundy?
i love ron burgundy.
Looks like Marty Robbins to me!
I actually thought this was Jeff Foxworthy.
this tattoo is retarded. and thats why i love it like it was my retarded baby
Uncle Jonathan's Corn Cob Pipe!
I recognise the acter. This tatoo is actually a WIN!