Comments On This Tattoo Fail
FAIL! @ "this inst a fail. In this context, 'to' is the proper spelling." wtf? It's supposed to be "too young to die" (ex: "too many donuts", "i swim too", "i like to dance", "i have two dogs", "to the store", "too much fun") GOD.
Too young to spell.
To is incorrect
Bahaha I work with this dude.
'To' is not the correct word in this situation. 'Too' is the correct. The phrase should read 'too young to die.'
"Too" young to die
i shouldnt have trusted that guy with the tatoo gun at the train station.
love that..."yall are idiots"...enough said
i am listening to the song too young to die and this shows up on my screen
Also too young to think about that that tattoo is going to be there for the rest of his life.
'To' young to care about spelling.
i wish these people were joking when they say that "to" is the correct spelling.
no it isn't dumbass. It is supposed to be "too"
Wow. This is just a gigantic can of suck isn't it?
no, it should be "too young to die", stupid
Two dum too cair
Tatto fail!
too young to die OR afford a decent tattoo lol!!
Spelling error aside, at some point he won't be too young to die.
Too stupid to live.
"It wont fit unless i take out an 'O'?" "Ok, do it."
When you use "i" it should be in caps too!
FAIL! @ "this inst a fail. In this context, 'to' is the proper spelling." wtf? It's supposed to be "too young to die" (ex: "too many donuts", "i swim too", "i like to dance", "i have two dogs", "to the store", "too much fun") GOD.