Comments On This Tattoo Fail
Ping Pung Spadoodle Doodle
Th e spa cin g su c ks
The Lake Area Punx and you to know, that they ALL ARE A PUNX. ..Being that they are only in the third grade if you could not tell from the grammar, I had to convey this message.
Looks like you got punk'd.
looks like it says, "I are are a punx"
The name of her Trailer Park?
This has to be a homemade-bic pen tatoo gun.
Writing funny things on your drunk friends got boring? Scratch tattoos with a drafting compass or knife.
wow i never new there would be a dousch version of grand theft auto
honey, our retarded kid gave himself a tattoo!
LAKE ARE A PUNK Right, lake michigan is SOOOOO punk.
looks like it says, "I are are a punx"
you just got punk'd
"I are a punx" I am going to go with that.
Ping Pung Spadoodle Doodle