Comments On This Tattoo Fail
Jefferson Queerplane
Maybe that is the Jewish version of Black Sabbath....Black Sabbaht
The next one was a AC/CD...
fuck BS fuck gringos
Классно написано и читать легко!! ТС - золото!!
Woo i love "Black SabbHt?"
Моё мнение вопрос развёрнут полностью, автор выжал всё что можно, за что ему мой поклон!
Slash doesnt have a tattoo like that. and he has a hat just like Slash
His hair isnt long enough to be Slash... and plus, Slash would afford a better tattoo.
I know that guy! Isn't that Shlas from Gnus 'n' Rsoses?
durr, it's more evil if the h and t are upside down... just like an upside down cross. geez.
Я бы сказала о монументальности, грандиозности некоторых сюжетов
The Jewish way of saying Sabbath isn't Sabbaht, it's Shabbat or Shabbos :P
How nice of you to steal this photo and remove the original watermark. Arseholes
Yes that's Slash from Guns and Roses,hence the irony
Sabbaht is the Jewish name for Sabbath.
"The Jewish way of saying Sabbath isn't Sabbaht, it's Shabbat or Shabbos :P " yeah, ohr fuck the shut up, tuckfart
Жаль, что в Интернете мало находила таких содержательных материалов.
I can't believe anyone would be retarded enough to think that was Slash!
how on earth does this happen so much?!?!
and what say´s ozyz?
Yes. Itś definetely Slahs from Gusn 'n Roses. Real name is Saul Husdon
Jefferson Queerplane