Comments On This Tattoo Fail
its not a fail he is just a faggot for getting it tattood on his chest.
that isnt a fail. its fused letters.
he's so extreme he only got one nipple pierced...
someone said it was a mirror image...I don't have a mirror on me so I flipped my netbook upside down, FACEPALM. dumb XD
according to wikipedia, exreme IS a band... that "reached the height of their popularity in the late 1980s and early 1990s."... clearly a fail.
when did rocky pierce his lip??
im prettye sure it says "EXTREME" the 'T' is part of the 'E' which goes into the 'M'
crazy tato
T got eaten by X and R, that's the exact reason why 7 8 9.
"exreme"... that could be a new term for hooking up with ex girlfriends again!
wait a minute-- we all know he spelled extreme wrong, but if he's holding the camera, that can only mean that its a mirror image. meaning that the word "EXREME" should look backwards. lol
There is that letter T in the middle with R :)
The T is in the X
Fucking idiots above, the T is in the X and R. Also, this dude is clever, cause it's written mirrored.
so many things wrong with this tat, ok so maybe the t is part of the x and the r but it is done so poorly you can barely tell, next it looks as though he was running out of room and had to squish the M and E and the end. The end is running small compared to the rest. FAIL!
extreme failure.
*GASP* OR PERHAPS HE ... FLIPPED THE IMAGE AROUND!! Who would have fucking thought!
It's all there, but no less stupid. Might as well read "I love mountain dew"...
Even if exreme is a band, this tatt is shit so it still is a fail.
It took a while but after reading one of the other comments....the "T" is in fact part of the "R" ...Still a crappy tattoo. Look closer and you'll see it.
I like how he only has one nipple ring too
he's probably too gay to notice
its not written mirrored retards its just a flipped image.
what's sad is i bet this is his facebook pic
Here is "Exreme" commenter: "I accidentally a comment..."
It's a British Army tat. Actually says Ex REME.
He forgot to finish.....more like EXCREMENT.
Exremely gay
exreme may be a band, but that doesn't change the fact that this douche has a nipple ring
Even though he maybe taking the picture in the mirror. There are photo programs you can to to reverse a picture. Meaning you don't know much about photo programs
Seeing as he spelled "extreme" wrong, this is kind of a fail....
The "T" is made up of the top part of the "X" and the left half of the "R".
its not a fail he is just a faggot for getting it tattood on his chest.