Comments On This Tattoo Fail
its not a fail he is just a faggot for getting it tattood on his chest.
he's so extreme he only got one nipple pierced...
that isnt a fail. its fused letters.
someone said it was a mirror image...I don't have a mirror on me so I flipped my netbook upside down, FACEPALM. dumb XD
according to wikipedia, exreme IS a band... that "reached the height of their popularity in the late 1980s and early 1990s."... clearly a fail.
when did rocky pierce his lip??
im prettye sure it says "EXTREME" the 'T' is part of the 'E' which goes into the 'M'
T got eaten by X and R, that's the exact reason why 7 8 9.
Fucking idiots above, the T is in the X and R. Also, this dude is clever, cause it's written mirrored.
"exreme"... that could be a new term for hooking up with ex girlfriends again!
crazy tato
There is that letter T in the middle with R :)
It's all there, but no less stupid. Might as well read "I love mountain dew"...
so many things wrong with this tat, ok so maybe the t is part of the x and the r but it is done so poorly you can barely tell, next it looks as though he was running out of room and had to squish the M and E and the end. The end is running small compared to the rest. FAIL!
Even if exreme is a band, this tatt is shit so it still is a fail.
wait a minute-- we all know he spelled extreme wrong, but if he's holding the camera, that can only mean that its a mirror image. meaning that the word "EXREME" should look backwards. lol
extreme failure.
The T is in the X
*GASP* OR PERHAPS HE ... FLIPPED THE IMAGE AROUND!! Who would have fucking thought!
he's probably too gay to notice
It took a while but after reading one of the other comments....the "T" is in fact part of the "R" ...Still a crappy tattoo. Look closer and you'll see it.
its not written mirrored retards its just a flipped image.
I like how he only has one nipple ring too
He forgot to finish.....more like EXCREMENT.
what's sad is i bet this is his facebook pic
It's a British Army tat. Actually says Ex REME.
Here is "Exreme" commenter: "I accidentally a comment..."
exreme may be a band, but that doesn't change the fact that this douche has a nipple ring
Exremely gay
Seeing as he spelled "extreme" wrong, this is kind of a fail....
Even though he maybe taking the picture in the mirror. There are photo programs you can to to reverse a picture. Meaning you don't know much about photo programs
The "T" is made up of the top part of the "X" and the left half of the "R".
its not a fail he is just a faggot for getting it tattood on his chest.