Comments On This Tattoo Fail
Congrats on your 1.0 gpa
That's not how you spell photoshop.
How proud her parents must be.
And son, that's why I picked your mother to by my wife.
I'd darn well eject my heated Na percent of male substance south bound her gosh darn esophagus.
60 year old Grandma trying to explain that one to her granddaughter...Nice!
Somethings in your teeth...
Nice Teeth!!
That's a dude.
not even if she is a nympho
Can't you just get that on a shirt or something?!?
where do you find women like this? i really wanna know....:)
She probably is a huge cum dumpster!
theres something black between her teeth .... ?? :S
Anything to avoid flossing!
Too bad they don't stay long enough to read that.
those tattoos only last a few months
Atleast it's in a pretty font
Congrats on your 1.0 gpa