Comments On This Tattoo Fail
Drop the "s" on "Know", and learn the proper use of THEIR, there, & they're.
The future belongs to those who can spell
Juan es un pendejo.
He must post on here a lot.
The future belongs to those who know how to spell.
You all are reading this from a mirror!
at least it wasn't a zodiac tattoo
Behind every good man there are always.
Wash your elbow
Hahahaha! SO typical! an alphabet that he doesn't own, in a language he can't speak, expressing a piece of "Empowering" garbage that has no meaning, which he thinks is in the American Declaration of Mexican Entitlements." Yeah, that is ALL Mexico all over: Epic Fail from an Epic Failure of the country built on an Epic Fail of a culture.
Drop the "s" on "Know", and learn the proper use of THEIR, there, & they're.