Comments On This Tattoo Fail
I think that's meant to be 'In Bread We Trust' ??
"Money my religion." Spoken like a f*ckin6 caveman.
In Breed We Trust? Is this real? Is this photo doctored?
Half Breed Can't Read
Okay. So he spelled "greed" like "breed." Black people are stupid. You're going to have to find something even black people should know better.
So? White people have Albert Einstein. Black people have George Washington Carver, inventor of the PEANUT, Mothafukkahhhh!!! SAME DIFFERENCE.
Cousin fucker.
HA! It's like a white boy making RAP his religion.
He clicked "like" on his own Facebook post. What a F*ckin' loser.
What are you doing? Dark skinned people are every bit as smart as dark skinned people.
Colored boy is in for a shock if money is his religion.
I think that's meant to be 'In Bread We Trust' ??