Comments On This Tattoo Fail
It's Juggalo tard....if your gonna hate at least spell it right
I.C.P. Incredible Cock Pullers
Jaggalo: A fat pasty fa66ot who fantasized about taking a shot in the mouth from one of the pudgy members of ICP.
Forever unemployable
Isn't that the font from Family Feud?
you guys hate on something that you don't understand way to much! How about if i tell you your favorite band sucks and your family are a bunch of dick eating faggots. Don't judge something you do understand its fucking petty! WHOOP WHOOP!
If your goin to hate on something you can atleast spell it right. That proves that you either have absolutely no idea what your talking about or your just a retard. mmfwcl
he mows my lawn for faygo money
It's Juggalo tard....if your gonna hate at least spell it right