Comments On This Tattoo Fail
This tattoo is bugging me.
Cock roach.
i love it...i think it's very unique
This is actually a very nicely done tattoo and a great piece of skin art, websites like this are ridiculous in the notion that any tom dick or harry can pass judgments on a perfectly legitimate tattoo. Why not hate on something actually worthy of it like a poorly done cheap I got this done by my cousins brothers sisters aunts uncles friend in a living room tattoo. This tattoo is by no means a failure its beautiful
i would love to run up and splat this bug
>grabs Raid
I bet she gets invited to dinners allll the time.
*points to chest* whats that on your chest? *person looks down, finger flicks nose up* ha gotcha
I lov the colors, she shoud get more little ones crawlingbehind it around her breast
Betelgeuse Betelgeuse Betelgeuse
ah! that bug's got a chic on its ass!
This tattoo is bugging me.