Comments On This Tattoo Fail
We might have a little problem of self-esteem here...
Naw just read the news article on this one, she cheated on her boyfried, he found out. He also happens to be a tatoo artist and she signed a concent form giving him artist disgression (sp?) anyhow she thought she was getting narnia!
Such a wonderful big poo you've done. Good girl. Now wash it of, please.
That's such a shitty tattoo.
lol this is what happens when you fall asleep at the tattoo table after issing off the artist.
I'd hit that shit.
Its a drawing
That certainly is a big loaf of crap!
Just wrong. Just wrong..
nothing like butterflies on a steamin' hot pile...
guessing that girl pissed the tattooist... maybe she told him his tattoos were shit
OMG what is this i dont even!
Well... at least, she's safe : they'll never try to take her from behind!
I would still take her from behind :)
Holly Sh!t
I remember seeing this somewhere. If I remember correctly, she cheated on her tattoo artist boyfriend. When he found out, he offered to do a free tattoo for her and when she found it was this, she took him to court. She lost because she had to sign the waiver before the tattoo.
lesson of the day.. dont be a whore!
i wonder if she'd let me poop on her chest?
We might have a little problem of self-esteem here...