Comments On This Tattoo Fail
I'm just a Butt-Man lookin' for my Throbin'!
So Robin, ya wanna explore my Bat Cave?
Brokeback Batman's Cave.
That is WIN. Except for homophobes, but they're scum anyway.
i'm all for making out batman but do we have to do it right next to this giant nipple?
So sexy!
Oh, sorry, I was misinterpreting your bat signals.
Fags always insist on making fag sex their sole identity. Why is that. The tattoo is a big gay FAIL.
i just love this!
Captcha win "hulk smash"
more like Broke-Bat
by God, Batman... that's a shame!
This guy is gay, Who has nipple piercings?
why so gay??
I'm just a Butt-Man lookin' for my Throbin'!