Comments On This Tattoo Fail
kinda looks like his finger already gained a little entry...
Should have said "All deliveries in the rear"
"no eniry"?
In prison that'll read No, ENTRY! ;)
~Johnny never thought about just not committing the crime... So he used clever ways to protect himself in county...~
No problem.
Thumb dumb-dumb.
was there something going on where the entry was questionable?
nice ass though...
STOP PULLING YOUR PANTS DOWN and clearly the tattoo wont be necessary. Homophobe.
It's not homophobic, he'd just rather blow you.
A tattoo to prove how straight he is... that he'll be pulling his pants down to show all the boys.
not even his arm. someone was marking their territory
Apparently he needs a permanent reminder.
kinda looks like his finger already gained a little entry...