Comments On This Tattoo Fail
Who would get this on their thigh?
I thought Lizz's last name was David! Stupid fat c*unt! That tattoo is ugly, its done wrong. Blast book is nothing but a way for her stupid ass to be popular. Hey Lizz I hope you know no one cares about you. You live in hotels, can't hold down a job, live off of the state, and your boyfriend loves crack! The only good thing you did is have your pretty daughter....................question how do you like it? :)
No, Blast Book is page for a bunch of white trash heffers to gather around and make fun of everyone they don't like, but if someone turns around and gives them a taste of their own drama they cry about it in 5359359 statuses. No fucks given? Lol, sure seems like it.
literally everything you say is hypocritial it's lolable
That bitch banned me from bb all because I gave her a taste of her own medicine. Guess she doesn't like it! Haha
This is by far the worst piece of work i have ever laid eyes on, i dont feel sorry for you tho, you get what you deserve, a piece of shit like Lizz deserves this... its like hello kitty on crack... i guess KARMA served you with a smack in the mouth and its about damn time, there is no NO fixing this tattoo... at all..... THIS is what you have to live with for the rest of you life, and its karma from every person you EVER blasted on your stupid page... sooo LIZZ LEMON now this is what you have to live with... every time you look at it, i hope it reminds you of what a piece of fucking shit you are !!!
Looks like someone rubbed a tampon on their hand. Ewww
That looks so over worked. I bet her skin is going to peel off.
Tampons lolololol
Haha that her hand! Pretty bad when you have a man hand people mistake for a thigh. Lmmfao
What is a shitmouthed count?
OK I get it my tattoo sucks big donkey dick! I even admitted it didn't turn out like I wanted it too. I'm a big fat sad panda:(
She going to be a hair dresser. Lol. I wonder how long it will be before her brought is back to cheating on her and throws Ms.NoJob out. I love the one profile pic where you can see the herpes in the corners of her mouth. Maybe she should quit sucking her cheating brought d***raw before she catches something else....
almost as cool as your failed "blast" page LOLOLOL. can dish it out, but can't take it? :'(
This link is posted all over Facebook. I had to come see this horrible tattoo for myself. I thought maybe someone was just being mean. But No this is an epic fail....
Wow...this is something you have to live with the rest of your life or pay big money to cover it up later. Looks like someone smeared period blood all over your hand. This artist who did this shouldn't even call themselves an artist. smh. Guess you live and you learn..but knowing you, you never learn shit. You are a very sad and lonely person Lizz, this is why you are such a hateful, big headed person. No one is jealous of you. Why would anyone be jealous of a mooch and slob?
She going to be a hair dresser. Lol. I wonder how long it will be before her brought is back to cheating on her and throws Ms.NoJob out. I love the one profile pic where you can see the herpes in the corners of her mouth. Maybe she should quit sucking her cheating bf d***raw before she catches something else....
Be nice guys...adding the white could TOTALLY fix the crown that's all messed up on one side. And the heart that's completely offcenter. And the way the ear on the side with the bow is all janky. And the shitty line of the head from ear to "flower" on the left side. And the freaking testicles in place of the nose. And I'm not even gonna discuss the "flower"...too easy. But, the white will totally fix all of that. What the white won't fix, is the most disgraceful part of this whole debacle. When even the lizz lickers couldn't find much nice to say about it other than "A+ for originality, this heifer didn't even have the integrity to be like "yeaahhh...about that....I stole the idea from another page and this is my white-trash version.
Man hands that's beyond hilarious:)
Just worked on or 50 years old still looks like crap. Next excuse.....
She got butthurt and took the picture down from FB. tell us more about how you're just tired of people commenting on it. lololololol
What a pathetic piece of crap tattoo. He outta just do himself a favor and cut his hand off.
LOL, this is the tattoo she was attempting to copy. http://www.bodymod.org/events/55/images/DayOfTheDead.jpg NAILED IT.
Not done? As in, needs more ink? What the fuck? The lines on this are terrible and thick, the owner needs to step away from the needle, not go back for more.
A hairdresser? She may want to work on her own greasy ass hair first. I thought hotels included showers?
Who would get this on their thigh?