Comments On This Tattoo Fail
This belongs on People of Walmart... *shudder*
She should have a porn picture tattooed on her back so maybe she'd be f*ckable from behind...
it's too high to be a tramp stamp. I think the leg cast makes this...
back bewbs
Sailor Moon .... Thirty years later.
To quote CCR: "I see a bad moon rising, I see trouble on the way"!
originally it was tattooed between her shoulder blades until she gained those back boobs and muffin-top and then the poor thing migrated down towards her ass
Moons over my hammy
maybe she figures it will be down to tramp status bu the time she's 80
I'm pretty sure this tattoo was on her upper back when she got it..maybe in 10 years it'll be a full moon on her ass.
I can't pick one thing to be most horrified about.
there is nothing right about this
She should have tattooed nipples on her back boobs...>.>
20 years ago it was a dolphin....
This was probably in a wal-mart
Bad placement, nice tat though.
She actually has a full moon tattooed on her back, if you pull the fat off of the other half.
not so much a failure of a tattoo as just a failure of a human being
should have just bought another sandwich instead
This belongs on People of Walmart... *shudder*